The Best Way To Protect Yourself From Arbitrary Driver’s License Suspensions Is To Hire A Criminal Defense Lawyer

Cars are as inevitable a part of the landscape in South Florida as palm trees. The shapely automobiles of South Beach, Clematis Street, and Jupiter Inlet are truly a sight for sore eyes, while the bumper to bumper traffic on the roads that lead to and from I-95 is as much of an eyesore as the melaleuca trees and the green iguanas that have become ubiquitous in South Florida in recent years. Despite this, most Floridians go through their days without considering the wow factor or the ick factor of the vehicles that surround them; cars are simply a fact of life in Florida. Anyone who doubts this has never looked out the windows of an airplane flying over Florida and seen the endless sea of parking lots. Car ownership isn’t cheap, either. Unless you are a Star Island millionaire or a Worth Avenue art patron, then you are either broke from trying to keep up with the costs of car payments, insurance, and gas, or you are in a truly desperate financial situation where you are too broke, even, to drive. Unfortunately, the criminal court makes it its business to put as many Floridians as possible in that latter category and to keep them there as long as it can. The best way to avoid losing your driving privileges is to hire a West Palm Beach license reinstatement lawyer.
Florida Courts Can Suspend Driver’s Licenses for Offenses That Have Nothing to Do With Driving
The civil and criminal courts of Florida have the right to suspend the driver’s licenses of licensed drivers for a variety of reasons. While your license is suspended, your car insurance company will automatically cancel your car insurance, and you cannot reinstate it until the court and the DMV reinstate your license. Reinstating your license and insurance costs a lot of money; meanwhile, the only reasonable way to get the money to pay for it is to keep driving to work. As a result, there are so many uninsured drivers on the road in Florida that uninsured motorist coverage costs considerably more in the Sunshine State than it does elsewhere.
It makes sense that the Florida courts suspend people’s drivers’ licenses for DUI and for the accumulation of enough points on people’s driving records; this only makes sense. Remember that you have the right to hire a defense lawyer for traffic court, just as you do for criminal court. What is worse, though, is that the court also routinely suspends people’s licenses for drug possession convictions and for unpaid criminal fines. It is a case of the criminal justice system perpetuating the cycle of poverty.
Contact a West Palm Beach Criminal Defense Lawyer Today
Attorney William Wallshein has more than 39 years of experience, including five years as a prosecutor in Palm Beach County. Contact William Wallshein P.A. in West Palm Beach, Florida to discuss your case.