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The Link Between Domestic Violence and Murder


The Washington Post recently ran a story on domestic violence/family violence offenses and the fact that half of all women killed in the past decade were killed by a former intimate partner; a third of which were known to be a potential threat ahead of any attacks. According to the Post’s investigation, in a number of cities, around 36 percent of the men implicated in a domestic killing either previously had a restraining order filed against them or had been convicted of a violent crime.

Killing against partners also tend to be especially brutal, involving beatings, stabbings, and/or strangulation. Violent choking in particular is reportedly almost entirely confined to domestic violence attacks against women.

Choking also serves as a warning sign: Those who attempt to strangle partners are reportedly far more likely to eventually commit an extreme act and violence, and law enforcement often sees it as a predictor that a relationship could turn fatal.

Complex Cases

Domestic violence cases also tend to be very complex, and often involve victims who are hesitant to report the abuse and seek a restraining order for fear of retaliation from abusers or losing financial support. Still, many victims are killed even they do seek assistance from law enforcement and the courts.

Affecting Women and Men

Domestic violence also isn’t a type of crime that just affects women: According to research out of Northeastern University, five percent of all men killed between 2007 and 2016 were killed by an intimate partner.

Not Enough Is Known Regarding Predictors

Unfortunately, authorities on the subject still have not pinpointed exact precursors to issues in relationships that automatically lead to fatal violence. These predictors are still characterized as largely being elusive to law enforcement, as a number of them occur behind closed doors.

Still, attempted strangulation is emerging as a strong indicator that an abusive relationship could turn fatal. Research has found that a woman is much more likely to eventually be killed by a partner who has previously attempted to strangle her.

If You Are Concerned About Domestic Violence, Contact Our Florida Family Law Attorneys

Regardless of the circumstances, taking action is an imperative in an effort to avoid the very worst: when victims fail to seek help and instead insist that they are safe and do not press charges for fear of potentially losing child custody, things can frequently escalate and lead to fatal encounters. However, as attorneys who regularly help domestic violence victims get legal protection, it goes without saying that even a restraining order should come with a plan of escape, in case necessary.

Domestic violence is a serious crime that can not only result in criminal charges, but in fatalities and loss of loved ones. In Florida, you have the right to petition family law courts to order the offender to keep their distance. Contact our West Palm Beach domestic violence attorneys at the office of William Wallshein, P.A. today to find out more.



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