Category Archives: Family Law

How Does Florida House Bill 19 Affect Victims Of Domestic Violence?
Florida House Bill 19, proposed by Representative Gottlieb, enhances scrutiny over the purchase of firearms by the proposed construction of a database. The database would contain information about a purchaser’s criminal arrest history or prior status as a respondent in a domestic violence action. If positive, it would bar a potential purchaser from buying… Read More »

Can Spending Joint Marital Assets Affect The Outcome Of A Divorce In South Florida?
It is a sobering reality for some couples considering divorce. One spouse informs the other that it is not working out and that they might speak to a lawyer. Suddenly the other spouse takes it upon themselves to start spending money like it is going out of style, moving joint funds to offshore accounts,… Read More »

Navigating School Mask Mandates With A Co-Parent
Across the country, COVID-19 mask mandates and restrictions continue to polarize adults and children. In the South, especially in Florida, Mississippi, Alabama, and Louisiana, COVID-19 cases are higher than any other time during the pandemic thus far. However, governors of these states refuse to enact a state-wide mask mandate or school mask mandate. Some… Read More »

Obtaining Emergency Temporary Guardianship In Florida
West Palm Beach police are investigating a murder/suicide in Palm Beach this past Monday. Authorities believe a child dialed 911, and when they arrived, they heard gunshots and found the victim dead in a domestic violence escalation. The perpetrator later succumbed to his injuries, and five children are tragically without parents and staying with… Read More »

Adopting A Stepchild In Florida
Adoption is a beautiful beginning for all parties involved. While it might not seem obvious, adoption can be complicated, taking years in some cases. Sometimes a couple is seeking a child and will use all resources available, including public and private agencies. The cost of adoption ranges depending on services utilized. Sometimes a grandparent… Read More »

Preparing For Divorce In Florida? Check Your Social Media Accounts First
You have been thinking about separating for a couple years now, but COVID-19 delayed your plans to move out. Now that you and your soon-to-be ex are vaccinated and you have secured an apartment, it’s time to separate. You have prepared a complaint and financial statement and are ready to serve your ex. Is… Read More »

Gray Divorce: Implications For Divorce Over 50
Divorce is on the rise among middle-aged and elderly seniors across the U.S. and in other countries. Since 2000, divorce rates in total have leveled off, but rates amongst adults 50 and older have skyrocketed. While some might argue “gray divorce” is due to a mid-life crisis of sorts, others argue quite the opposite…. Read More »

Federal Child Tax Credit Updates
Most readers are aware that the American Rescue Plan Act (the Covid-19 Relief Package) contained provisions to provide direct stimulus payments in the amount of $1,400 to Americans with a single adjusted gross income of $75,000 or less, and married couples with adjusted gross income of $150,000 or less. In addition to direct stimulus… Read More »

Legal Custody and Physical Custody: What’s the Difference?
A mother has filed for divorce from her husband, and she wants primary custody of their two children. After all, her spouse was an absentee parent to the kids, and even before the separation, never wanted to spend time with them. What would he be missing if she were awarded primary custody? Custody awards… Read More »

Florida Senate Bill 1922: Potential Alimony Revisions
Are you considering divorce but are concerned you won’t qualify for spousal support. Conversely, do you want to separate but don’t think your spouse is entitled to indefinite alimony? No matter the situation, alimony can be waived during divorce proceedings, but under no circumstances can a divorced spouse approach the court for a post-judgment… Read More »