Category Archives: Domestic Battery

When Prosecution Witnesses Have Ulterior Motives, The Truth Will Prevail
Perjury is a crime, so why would someone lie on the witness stand? It turns out that there are lots of reasons a witness might make false statements to make a defendant appear guilty. Perhaps the witness is trying to conceal his or her own criminal activity by pinning the crime on the defendant. … Read More »

Why Do So Few Domestic Violence Arrests Lead To Criminal Prosecution?
When the police arrive at your house because of a domestic violence call, it is probably after a series of fights that escalated but then deescalated quickly, before the police could get involved. In some ways, a domestic violence arrest is a point of no return; the family law courts certainly take it as… Read More »

Florida Domestic Battery Laws
According to Florida, battery is a violent crime that involves intentionally making physical contact with someone with the intention of causing physical pain or physical injury. Battery and assault are different crimes, although many defendants have faced charges both for assault and for battery as the result of a single incident (such as a… Read More »

How Does a Domestic Battery Charge Affect Child Custody?
In Florida, while domestic battery involves familial issues, domestic violence is a criminal law matter and is prosecuted by the State. If you are in the middle of a divorce with shared children and are seeking primary or joint custody, a domestic violence charge or conviction can severely hamper custody arrangements. Ultimately, a family… Read More »

Florida Senate Bill 1082:Update to Domestic Violence Injunctions
Senate Bill 1082 is an important update to domestic violence protection orders. The bill allows the petitioner to retain possession of the family pet(s) while a final protective order is pending. If you or a loved one are seeking a protective order against a spouse or intimate partner and are concerned about the welfare… Read More »

How Do Victims Affect Domestic Violence Battery Charges In Florida?
Under Florida law, domestic battery/domestic violence battery is defined as striking or touching, or causing bodily injury to, a family member or household member, and carries with it a number of severe penalties, including serving up to one year in jail, a $1,000 fine, and a number of additional penalties, such as participating in… Read More »

The Link Between Domestic Violence and Murder
The Washington Post recently ran a story on domestic violence/family violence offenses and the fact that half of all women killed in the past decade were killed by a former intimate partner; a third of which were known to be a potential threat ahead of any attacks. According to the Post’s investigation, in a… Read More »